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Limitless Hypno Rewire questionnaire
Private and Confidential

    Please tick the appropriate boxes, providing further details where necessary.
    Are you currently experiencing any of the following conditions?

    From the list check issues you perceive in your life:

    The information given above and throughout this consultation is, to the best of my knowledge, full and correct.

    All information, whether verbal or written in notes, is treated as strictly private and confidential.

    The therapist has a responsibility both to the client and to the community at large. Some moral and legal limitations, therefore, apply to confidentiality. These limitations mainly concern the risk of serious self-harm, harm to others, and child protection issues. If a situation arises in which the moral or legal limits of confidentiality are exceeded, the reasons will be explained by the therapist and discussed with the client at the time.

    The therapist carries full professional indemnity and public liability insurance and is registered with the following professional organizations:

    The General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR).

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